Dante's Inferno DLC intros co-op Apr. 29
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game free pc download full version Trials of Saint Lucia will introduce online multiplayer, game creation tool to EA’s infernal action adventure. game free pc download full versionAccording to Christian lore, Lucia of Syracuse spurned her pagan suitor in the 3rd century, instead devoting her life to the church. None to pleased, the bridegroom denounced Lucia as a Christian, and the Roman authorities
promptly plucked her eyes out, after finding that they could not move or burn her. In addition to sainthood, the series of events has earned Lucia immortalization as a headliner for Dante’s Inferno downloadable content. As detailed in a trailer for the Trials of Saint Lucia add-on (see below), the expansion will introduce an online co-op mode and game editor into Dante’s Inferno on April 29. EA has not yet announced platforms or pricing information for the downloadable expansion. EA has taken some measure of creative license with the depiction of Saint Lucia. The game editor will let players design their own trials challenges, which can then be downloaded by other players, as well as rated. Trials pit players against increasingly menacing waves of enemies, including ones that have been pulled from the core Dante’s Inferno game, as well as introduced in the Trials of Saint Lucia add-on. The online co-op mode lets up to two players compete in these challenges, assuming the role of either Dante or Saint Lucia. Dante’s Inferno will be available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PSP on February 9. For more information, check out GameSpot’s previous coverage
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