Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage


Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage game for pc download

System Recommended

OS: Microsoft Windows 7 - Xp - Vista
Processor: Processor: Pentium IV 2.4GHz
Memory: 2Gb (Vista requires 3Gb)
Graphics: 256 MB (GeForce 260 | Radeon HD 3850 or better
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive : 5 Gb
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible

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Award Showcase Spectacular

Award Showcase Spectacular
In case you hadn't noticed, free-to-play games are a pretty big deal these days. And at a PC-focused show like Gamescom, they're an especially big deal. Luckily for you, we've spent countless hours looking through the weirdest, craziest, and scariest games on display here at Gamescom to bring you the Gamescom Free-to-Play Award Showcase Spectacular!

Most Historically Educational Way to Destroy Planes Winner: War Thunder
From Gaijin Entertainment comes this WWII-based vehicular combat game where one half is a player-versus-player massively multiplayer online game that has players filling the sky with dueling airplanes (and ground vehicles to follow in a later update) while the other half is a campaign that lets you reenact battles such as Peleliu, Guadalcanal, and more. Learn the ropes of aerial combat while taking part in some of history's most memorable conflicts, and then start blasting rival planes from the sky when not decorating your plane with era-specific pinup girl decals.

War Thunder Most Terrifying Depiction of American Crime From a Korean Developer Winner: District 187: Sin Streets District 187 is a scary vision of urban crime in America. In this first-person shooter, crime is so prevalent that street gangs and police SWAT teams are locked in a perpetual turf war, stealing money away from each other in game modes like Bank Heist and outfitting their weaponry with increasingly deadly attachments as they work up through a COD-like leveling system. Clearly, no citizen is safe. But it's probably their own fault for moving to a place called District 187 to begin with  Most Compelling Reason to Hope We Don't Find Ancient Treasure on Mars Winner: Star Conflict

Also from Gaijin Entertainment is this space combat MMO game about a future where man has discovered the treasures of an ancient civilization in a distant galaxy. And subsequently, as humankind so often does, we all just end up fighting over it. In this case, though, that fighting is done using powerful spaceships that you can upgrade through absurdly detailed tech trees. So, on second thought, maybe we should find ancient treasure on mars. Star Conflict Defianc Above: Star Conflict (left), Defiance (right) Best Reason to Watch Syfy that Doesn't Involve Giant Sharks Fighting Robotic Dinosaurs Winner: Defiance Trion Worlds and Syfy have pooled their resources to create a postapocalyptic world that spans both television and video game. The aim for this union is to have both sides influence each other in interesting ways. For example, a character in the game may steal an important item from the player only to have that item pop up again in the show. Or a character in the show may digitize themselves into the game, where they are then spawn camped, and the whole operation is brought to a screeching halt. Best Game Based On a Game Show About Murdering People for Fun Winner: Bullet Run In the near future of the Bullet Run universe, a revolutionary new "Synth" technology lets people reincarnate themselves into new bodies upon death. This groundbreaking, scientific achievement--which skirts the edges of divinity--is put to use fueling the latest reality-TV craze: Bullet Run. Just imagine Big Brother, but with a lot more guns and a lot less…everything else. Here, the goal is not only to win, but to hype up the crowd with fancy kills and strategically deployed taunts. Plus, you can play right now.
Best Submarine-Based Game That Doesn't Involve Sean Connery
Winner: Silent Service
Ubisoft's stable of free-to-play, browser-based games includes the hardcore submarine sim Silent Hunter Online. Life on a submarine is anything but riveting, and to Silent Hunter's credit, it manages to reflect that sentiment quite well. Of course, once a dozen or so friends join in, one-on-one naval battles quickly scale to epic, explosive exchanges of torpedoes. As the captain of your vessel, you must manage your crew efficiently and pay close attention to the numerous gauges and displays surrounding the periscope. Should you fail in your mission, you may find yourself in a steel casket on the bottom of the ocean before you know it.
Best Way to Play a Ubisoft PC Game That Doesn't Involve Waiting a Month After the Console Version Winner: Anno Online Ubisoft's city-building sim gets its first multiplayer release in the form of a browser-based, Flash 11 game, but there is little sacrificed in the way of scale, or detail, in the transition. Friends can work together to create gigantic empires that are indistinguishable from those found in the retail releases, and if you wish to speed things up, a tiny donation to Ubisoft will help speed things up. With the help of hundreds, if not thousands, of other players, your civilization has the potential to grow to a massive scale through cooperative efforts and trade, rivaling the enormity of empires found in other games in the Anno series, if not the entire world-building genre
new game Award Showcase Spectacular 

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Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights

free download Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights game for full version is a racing video game for various platforms. The PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS versions were released on September 17, 2007. The PlayStation Portable version was released on October 8, 2007. The PlayStation 3 version was released on October 22, 2007. The Microsoft Windows version was released on December 13, 2007. It is a sequel to the 2005 game Juiced. It was developed by Juice Games and published by THQ. It utilizes more advanced car modification methods in comparison to its predecessor.

A demo for the Xbox 360 version was released on Xbox Live Marketplace on July 19, 2007. A second, multiplayer demo appeared on September 14, 2007. Ursula Mayes is on the cover of the game on all platforms


The game starts off in a night club where the player selects their character and car. Juice Games has decided to remove the racing calendar, the respect system and the drag races. After choosing a character and car, the player will get a list of available races, three of which must be won in order to move up to the next level. Juiced 2 includes three types of racing: Circuit, Destination and Drift races.
Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions
Player Character A new feature in the game is the ability for the player to design their own character Modding The exterior can be adjusted in terms of positioning, sizing, rotating and also flipping the decal. The opacity can also be adjusted. The player can save their decal pack and apply it to any car in their garage. License plates can be modified. THQ now has the ability to filter languages when adding letters to the plates. This means that offensive words are not allowed, in both online and offline modes The interior may be modded by adding things like steering wheels and racing seats. The color of many items added to the interior can also be changed
Driver DNA Juice Games has also introduced a new feature called Driver DNA which records a players style of driving and creates a strand of "DNA". The DNA will be shown before the beginning of a race which can be viewed as a guide of players' driving habit. Other players can then download others' DNA from PlayStation Network or Xbox Live and race against it in the Driver DNA Lab.
Online feature
Like the previous Juiced game, online features such as Pink Slip Races will affect the player's Career mode. A new feature is to have an online Career and Crew. The player can download their friends' Driver DNA, view it and add them to their crew. Cars and other items can be traded online. Each car has a log book which tells the current owner how many people have owned the car and what races it has been in. Online betting updates allow a player to bet during races, and see how many people are betting on and against them, and what their odds are

System requirements
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: 2 GHz dual core
Memory: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 8.5 GB

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Kung Fu Strike The Warriors Rise


Kung Fu Strike The Warriors Rise game for pc download

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: 2.4 GHz dual core
Memory: 1.5 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 10 GB

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fifa 2009

FIFA 09 is the 2008 installment of Electronic Arts' FIFA series of football video games. Developed by EA Canada, it is published by Electronic Arts worldwide under the EA Sports label. It was released in October 2008 for Windows,[2] Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox 360 and Zeebo. It was later in November 2008 released for the N-Gage 2.0 and Mobile phone

game for pc download full version

The demo was released on 10 September 2008 for Windows[6] and on 11 September 2008 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.[7][8] The PS3 and Xbox 360 demos were identical with the exception of the stadium used with the PS3 featuring the FIWC Stadium and the Xbox 360 version using the new Wembley Stadium. The tagline for the game is "Let's FIFA 09 It has been stated in an interview with game producer David Rutter that there are over 250 improvements in the game.[9]

Among the improvements in the new FIFA are improved responsiveness that allows for quicker release of the ball, greater urgency in off-the-ball running, a new jostle system that takes into account the strength of the players when going shoulder-to-shoulder, and subtle animations that enable players to take first-time shots.

Another of the edition's biggest changes is a completely revamped collision system, which calculates speed, weight, and power when the players collide, as each player will have their own individual strength and power statistics depending on their body characteristics.

New goalkeeper technology has also been added which allows for better positioning, better reactions to saves, and faster recovery after a save has been made.

A further improvement from FIFA 08 is the weather and time. Rain and snow matches can be played from Kick-off mode, however there are no weather effects in Manager Mode. Games can be played at either day, dusk or night, depending on the stadium choice.

FIFA 09 includes a "10 vs. 10" "Be a Pro" online game. The game also features user-controlled player celebrations, like in UEFA Euro 2008, in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions.[10]

The "Be A Pro" mode of the game has also been improved. On the PC, Xbox360, and PS3 version, the user can now play four seasons as a single player. The PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles also allow the player to change clubs, and play for his national team, depending on their performance. This feature is not present in the PC version
video game

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Spellforce 2: Faith in Destiny

SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny game for pc full version download  is the second expansion for SpellForce 2. Currently released on June 19, 2012.

It was announced by JoWooD in May 2009. This expansion has been delayed by JoWood due to funding issues, the most likely release date being pushed back to the 2nd fiscal quarter of

JoWooD Entertainment has announced that the game has been delayed indefinitely, the main reasons being that the game needs more polishing and testing.[2]

Nordic Games expressed their desire to continue the work that JoWooD Entertainment was doing on different projects, including the release of Faith in Destiny.[3]

Nordic Games announced that the second addon for SpellForce 2 will be released on

However, because of Diablo III's release on 15th of May 2012 'may possibly cause a global decrease in productivity,' Nordic Games has decided to postpone the release date until June 19, 2012


Four years have passed since the Shaper was conquered by the power of the Archfire. Four years in which scientists, dragons and inventors have tried to find a way to counter the deterioration of the portal - but to no avail.

Now, the portal network has finally broken down and the islands are completely cut-off from one another. The dragons and the Shaikan are the only interface left between the races, but even their resources are limited.

The new enemy has been lying low for just such a moment. The races are cut-off from one another and the islands are exposed to attackers, who fall upon them from the demonic depths.

In the midst of this chaos a new hero enters the scenery. He is a simple Shaikan, a member of the Hand, who has embarked on a quest for answers to his deeply disturbing dreams. This quest takes him to the very roots of his race, to the Iron Fields, to the Mountain of the Patriarch Ur. It is all about his destiny, about his soul. After all it is the only thing he knows. However instead of finding answers he only finds more questions. Who are these daemonic creatures - so abysmally evil that they are only known as "The Nameless"? What do the dragons know about the destiny of this world?

And what does Professor Twiddle’s plan to restore the portal have to do with all this?

Our hero is gradually coming closer to his own destiny through this journey - through conversations, through newly acquired skills and through battles fought against old and new enemies.

Where ever he goes - The Nameless always seem to be one step ahead of him and an almost futile battle breaks out in which our hero holds not only his own destiny but the destiny of entire Eo in his hands

System Recommended

OS: Microsoft Windows 7 - Xp - Vista
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo at 2Ghz
Memory: 1Gb (Vista - Seven requires 2Gb)
Graphics: NVidia 8800GT with 512Mb RAM, ATI 3850HD with 512Mb RAM, or better
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 4 Gb
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible

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The Cursed Crusade

The Cursed Crusade free pc game full version download is a medieval third-person action-adventure video game developed by Kylotonn and published by Atlus for North America and dtp entertainment AG for Europe

The game is set during the Fourth Crusade and stars two crusaders. The player controls Denz, a cursed Templar, who is trying to break the curse. He is joined by a partner, the mercenary Esteban, who can either be controlled by AI or by a second player via online or local co-op

System Minimum

OS: Windows XP SP2, Vista or Windows 7
CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or similar
HDD: 8 GB free disk space
Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
DirectX: Version 9
Supported Graphics Cards: GeForce 7/8/9 series or higher or similar ATI cards

SysteM Recommended

CPU with dual-core processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or faster).
Intel Core2Duo @ 2,4 Ghz Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7.
2 GB of RAM.
DirectX ® 9.0c compatible 256 MB video card with
3D acceleration or equivalent (support for Shader Model 3.0 or higher).

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Krater 2012 : Testing and Working

Krater 2012 : Testing and Working free pc full version game for pc download

System Recommended

OS: Microsoft Windows 7 - Xp - Vista
Processorual Core 2.4GHz processor
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:Shader 4.0 compatible card (minimum: Nvidia GeForce 8xxx, AMD Radeon 2xxx)
DirectX®: DirectX11 drivers (the game support DX10 hardware)
Hard Drive: 5 GB HD space
OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
Memory: 4GB
Hard Disk Space: 5GB
Video Card: DirectX 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card, ATI Radeon HD6870 or higher, Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 or higher. Graphics card memory: 1 GB
DirectX®: DirectX11 drivers (the game support DX10 hardware)
Sound: DirectX compatible sound card

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Bang Bang Racing

Bang Bang Racing  game for pc full version download is a racing video game co-developed by Playbox and Digital Reality and published by Digital Reality. It was first released as Bang Bang Racing THD for Android-based devices on May 13, 2011. It was released in June 2012 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 via the PlayStation Network and Xbox 360 via Xbox Live Arcade

Bang Bang Racing is a racing video game played from a top-down perspective. The game's sole objective is to finish before all other racers. It features a compacted art style similar to older top-down racing games such as R.C. Pro-Am, Super Off Road and Super Sprint. In addition to single player races four player splitscreen gameplay is offered and scores can be tracked via online leaderboards.[3] Courses, cars and liveries are unlocked in the single player portion of the game, and these unlocks carry over to the local multiplayer.[4]

The game features four different race car classes, each with unique attributes: N-Dura, Evo GT, Protech and Apex. Within each class five different cars are offered for a total of 20 cars. Each car also features eight different paint liveries. Nine courses are available, and each can be played in a reverse layout. Additionally each course has multiple shortcut layouts, resulting in a total of 54 unique configurations
Development and marketing

Bang Bang Racing was first announced for Tegra 2-powered Android devices in 2011. It released as Bang Bang Racing THD (Tegra HD) on 13 May 2011.[2] Leaked footage from an Xbox 360 development machine appeared on YouTube in November 2011. The footage also leaked information on Saint's Row: Money Shot and Quarrel.[5] This footage coincided with information about an October 27, 2011 classification by the Australian Classification Board.[6] An official debut trailer was released on 28 November 2011 and it was confirmed the same day that the game would be coming to Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 via the PlayStation Network, and Xbox 360 via Xbox Live Arcade.[7][8]

András Timár-Geng, Lead Designer at Digital Reality explained that the game is focused on family-friendly racing. "[The] top-down view fits perfectly to the friendly cars and environment", stated Timár-Geng and added that the top-down perspective distances it from other digital racing titles.[4] The team decided that instead of creating a combat-racing game similar to the Mario Kart series that they would instead focus on keeping gameplay simple as possible "in order to honor the great old top-down racers

Minimum System requirements

OS: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP
Processor:AMD/Intel dual-core processor running at 2.0 GHz
Memory:1024 MB RAM
Graphics:ATI/nVidia graphic card with at least 128MB of dedicated VRAM and with at least DirectX 9.0c and Shader Model 3.0 support. ATI Radeon HD 3600 series and NVIDIA Geforce 8600GT
Hard Drive:300 MB HD space
Sound:Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard

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Iron Front: Liberation 1944

Iron Front: Liberation 1944 is a tactical shooter video game set in World War II Eastern Front. It features both German and Russian singleplayer campaigns. The game was developed by X1 Software and AWAR on Bohemia Interactive's Real Virtuality engine.[3][4] It was released May 25, 2012 for Microsoft Windows.


Iron Front: Liberation 1944 is set in Southern Poland during Soviet summer offensive. Single player campaign can be played from either German or Russian perspective. Russian campaign focuses on breaking through enemy's defenses. On German side the mission is to slow down the advance of Soviet army. Campaigns starts with infantry action but later on player gets to control tanks and planes. These include for example Panzerkampfwagen VI, Königstiger, JS2, Focke Wulf 190, Stuka and Petlyakov PE-2.[5]

Multiplayer side includes both co-operative missions and player vs. player missions such as Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Attack and Defense and Blitzkrieg.[5][6]

The game also includes a comprehensive and extensive[6] mission editor, enabling players to create their own missions and share them online.[5] Modding possibilities in Iron Front: Liberation 1944 are more restricted compared to its parent game ARMA 2. Addons and mods must be released with consent of developers as a free or paid DLC

System requirements
Minimum Recommended
Operating system Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
CPU Dual-core Intel Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 or AMD Athlon Phenom X4 or faster
Memory 1 GB 2 GB
Hard drive space 10 GB free HDD space 20 GB free HDD space
Graphics hardware Nvidia Geforce 8600GT or ATI Radeon 3650 or faster with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770 or faster with Shader Model 3 and 896 MB VRAM

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Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 is a video game developed by Rockstar Studios and published by Rockstar Games. It is the third title in the Max Payne franchise and was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in May 2012 and for Microsoft Windows in June. Development is led by Rockstar Vancouver in collaboration with the New England, London and Toronto studios.[6][7] This is the first game in the series that was not developed by Finnish game developer Remedy Entertainment and not written by series creator Sam Lake.[8] The lead writer of Max Payne 3 was Dan Houser, who was also the writer of Red Dead Redemption and most games in the Grand Theft Auto series


Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter in which the player assumes the role of its titular character, Max Payne. Max Payne 3 features a similar over-the-shoulder camera as its predecessors, with the addition of a cover mechanic, while also retaining much of the same run-and-gun style of gameplay.[10] Max Payne 3 also marks the return of bullet-time in action sequences, for which the franchise is notable. In bullet-time it is possible to see every bullet strike an enemy in detail.[11] New to the series is a "Last Man Standing" mechanic, which gives the player a grace period after after losing all health during which time the player may kill the enemy which wounded them in order to continue playing, however this mechanic is only usable if the player has one or more bottles of painkillers in their possession.[10]

Max Payne 3 retains the shoot-dodge mechanic from the previous games in the series. Players are able to stay grounded after a dive, which enables them to shoot 360 degrees around. Rockstar has blended physics and animation, so that when a player dives, they do so appropriately according to their surroundings. Through advanced use of the Euphoria dynamic animation engine, shooting and killing enemies in Max Payne 3 will look noticeably more realistic than in any preceding Rockstar game.[11]

New to the series are cinematic action movements, interactive cutscenes which transition seamlessly into continuing gameplay. Moreover there are no loading screens across gameplay and cutscenes

The game's online multiplayer features maps and modes that dynamically change within a match, as well as reward, ranking and clan systems.[13]

Max Payne 3 will let players form private crews with friends, or join public crews. Players can be a member of up to five at the same time, and completing tasks as a crew will gain XP points for the player. Among the crew features promised are persistent Feuds, that see the player scrapping with opposing gangs who've killed someone on the team. Social Club integration connect play across multiple titles, starting with Max Payne 3 and Grand Theft Auto V. By playing both games multiplayer "crews" that the player set up in one will be carried over to the other

According to Rockstar's Sam Houser, it was their intention on starting a new chapter of Max Payne's life with the game. "This is Max as we've never seen him before, a few years older, more world-weary and cynical than ever." Since the last game, the press release states Max has left New York City behind and has "drifted from bad to worse." The press release then goes on to say Max has been double-crossed in this new city and he is searching for the truth and a way out.[15] The game is set in São Paulo, Brazil, where Payne is working in the private security sector for a wealthy local family, set eight years after the events of the second game.[16][17] Max Payne now works in executive protection for the wealthy Rodrigo Branco in the hopes of escaping the memories of his troubled past. When a street gang kidnaps Rodrigo's wife, Max is pulled into a conspiracy of shadowy, warring factions threading every aspect of São Paulo society in a deadly web that threatens to engulf everyone and everything around him

Nine years after killing Vladimir Lem and the death of Mona Sax, Max Payne has retired from his job in the NYPD, moved to Hoboken, New Jersey and has developed an addiction to alcohol and painkillers. Max gets into a confrontation at a bar with Anthony DeMarco Jr., the son of a local mob boss, and Raul Passos interjects, hoping to recruit Max for a private security job in South America. Max initially resists, but when he becomes a target for mob hitmen after he kills Anthony Jr. in a bar fight, he agrees to accompany Passos to Brazil.

Max and Passos work for the wealthy Branco family in São Paulo, made up of three brothers: the businessman Rodrigo, the politician Victor, and the partying Marcelo. During a party held in Rodrigo's penthouse, Rodrigo and his wife Fabiana are kidnapped by a street gang called the Comando Sombra, but Max saves them. Fabiana, her sister (and Passos' lover) Giovanna, and Marcelo are later again targeted at a nightclub by the same gang, who successfully kidnap Fabiana. Max and Passos bring ransom money to the gang at a soccer stadium, but the deal is ambushed by an outlaw right-wing paramilitary group known as Crachá Preto, who steal the money. Max and Passos decide to raid a Comando Sombra base to save Fabiana, but the gang escapes with her.

As Max and Passos discuss the situation with Rodrigo, Victor and Armando Becker, the local battalion commander of a special police unit Unidade de Forças Especiais (UFE), Crachá Preto raid the Branco offices. An unknown assassin breaks into Rodrigo's secured office and assassinates him. A bomb explodes in the building, but Max escapes, learning that Fabiana is in the São Paulo favela and that Max was the true target of the raid.

Blaming himself for everything that happened to the Brancos, Max chooses to abstain from alcohol and shave his head to disguise himself for another rescue attempt of Fabiana. Local detective Wilson Da Silva informs him that Crachá Preto had nefarious links with Rodrigo, whom he hired them to clear out villages on a piece of land he wished to turn into a retail development. Da Silva explains he thinks the UFE and Victor are all connected to Max's predicament.

Max finds Fabiana with Marcelo and Giovanna, who were also kidnapped when trying to pay the ransom for Fabiana themselves. Comando Sombra's leader Serrano executes Fabiana and escapes with Giovanna and Marcelo. As Max gives chase, the UFE raid the favela; he witnesses the Crachá Preto and the UFE exchanging money for those who were arrested in the raids for an unknown reason. Max finds Marcelo and Giovanna in the hands of the Crachá Preto's second-in-command Milo Rego. Marcelo is burned to death in a gang-like ritual manner so the UFE can have an excuse to raid. Max kills Milo and saves Giovanna. Passos later arrives to pick them up by helicopter, but flees with Giovanna and leaves Max behind, who is saved by Da Silva.

A flashback shows Max and Passos in the Panama Canal protecting Marcelo at a yacht party that is raided by guerrilla pirates. Max finds them trying to gain access to a hidden stash within the boat. Max is unsure what the contents were, but it is clear that it is no longer there; Max later found Marcelo and Passos trying to drive away with the unknown cargo. It hits Max that he was recruited by Passos to be the "fall guy" for whatever illicit activity the Brancos were involved in.

Da Silva informs Max about a rundown hotel where the Crachá Preto and the UFE are seen entering with prisoners, yet very few leave. Max discovers it is the base for a black market organ theft ring and corrupt UFE officers were being paid to transport arrested individuals for organ harvesting. Max finds Serrano as one of the victims and spares him, allowing him to take revenge on the surgeon performing the harvesting. Max sets explosives to destroy the entire complex, and Passos manages to kill the Crachá Preto leader Álvaro Neves before he shoots Max. Max discovers Passos was unaware of the plan to set up Max. He forgives Passos, who leaves Brazil with a pregnant Giovanna, asking Max to get over his past and move on.

Da Silva concludes that Becker and Victor are behind everything and asks Max to handle it, as there is too much corruption for Da Silva to stop them legally. Max battles his way through the UFE building, discovering that Becker's UFE unit are the perpetrators for Rodrigo's assassination. Victor explains to Max that he wanted more money from his brother for his political campaign: he told the Crachá Preto to ambush the money exchange at the stadium, which went toward funding the organ harvesting ring, the profits of which helped fund his campaign.

Victor and Becker escape to the airport with Max in pursuit. After an intense shootout, Max arrives at the hangar where Becker and Victor are preparing to board a jet. Becker tries to use a grenade launcher to kill Max, but ends up burning himself with his left arm severed when Max shoots at one of the fired grenades. Eventually, the player can choose to kill Becker or let him die from his wounds. Max then grabs the grenade launcher and, with Da Silva's help, uses it to disable Victor's plane. Da Silva persuades Max to spare Victor so he can live in shame. Victor taunts Max, who responds with breaking Victor's leg. A week later, Max watches the news on a beach in Bahia. It reports that Becker's UFE battalion have been disbanded indefinitely due to their ties to the organ harvesting ring, while Victor is found hanged in his cell. The last shot of the game is Max walking along the beach, enjoying his vacation and ready to move on with his life

Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Intel Dual Core 2.4 GHZ or AMD Dual Core 2.6 GHZ, or better
2GB System RAM
NVIDIA® GeForce 8600 GT 512MB RAM
or AMD Radeon™ HD 3400 512MB RAM

Low Recommended Specs

Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Intel Dual Core 3GHz or AMD equivalent
3GB System RAM
NVIDIA® GeForce 450 512MB RAM
or AMD Radeon™ HD 4870 512MB RAM

Highrecommended Specs

Windows 7/Vista (32 or 64 bit)
Intel i7 Quad Core 2.8Ghz or AMD equivalent
3GB System RAM
NVIDIA® GeForce 480 1GB RAM
or AMD Radeon™ HD 5870 1GB RAM
HDD Space: 35 GB
Sound Card: 100% Direct X 9.0 compatible – Direct X 9.0 compatible supporting Dolby Digital Live

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Dirt: Showdown

Dirt: Showdown free pc game full version download stylised as DiRT: Showdown) is a video game published and developed by Codemasters for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It was released on 25 May 2012 in Europe, and it will be released on 12 June in North America. It is part of the Colin McRae Rally game series.

The announcement trailer was released on YouTube on 11 December 2011. The soundtrack in the trailer was "Earthquake" by Labrinth.

The official gameplay trailer was released on 26 January 2012 which featured the song "Mother of Girl" by Eighteen Nightmares at the Lux. This song is also the lead track in the game

The player is entered in a series of "Tour" events, which offer a range of races and tournaments to compete in. Winning these events gives the player prize money — which can be spent buying new cars or upgrading existing ones — and unlocks further races. Upon the successful completion of the series final, the next difficulty setting is unlocked, featuring faster opponents and longer races.

Dirt: Showdown removes several of the gameplay modes featured Dirt 3, and introduces new ones. Gameplay modes can be classified as Racing, Demolition or Gymkhana

Race-Off — A straight-forward race with eight cars on the circuit. Obstacles, including jumps, barricades and piles of debris litter the circuit.
8-Ball — Racing takes place on circuits that feature multiple cross-overs. These cross-overs are open intersections that allow player and AI cars to collide with one another.
Dominator — A points-based mode of play where the circuit is divided up into four sectors and players are awarded points for setting the fastest sector times. The winner is the driver who finishes with the most points, rather than the first player across the line

Rampage — Eight cars take part in a demolition contest set in an arena. Points are awarded for crashing into other cars, with bonus points on offer for destroying a rival's car. Destroyed cars re-spawn in the arena.
Knock Out — A variation on Rampage where the arena features an elevated table-like structure. Points are awarded for crashing into other cars, with bonus points on offer for pushing a rival off the table. Destroyed cars re-spawn at the bottom of a ramp leading back up to the table.
Hard Target — The player starts in the centre of the arena and must fend off attacks from other cars, with more cars being regularly added. The winner is the driver who survives the longest

Trick Rush — Similar to the Gymkhana mode in Dirt 3. Players are given a limited time to complete as many tricks as possible, which are then scored.
Head 2 Head — Two drivers must complete an obstacle course as quickly as possible, successfully completeing tricks along the course. At the end of the first round, the drivers switch lanes for a second attempt. The winner is the driver with the fastest aggregate time after two runs.
Gate Hunter — The player smashes through coloured foam bricks in the order that they are called as quickly as possible. Smashing the wrong colour forces the player to back-track and find the right bricks to smash.

Unlike Dirt 3, most of Dirt: Showdown's cars are fictional. Real-life models are only available for use in the Gymkhana modes

System requirements

Recommended specifications

Windows Vista or Windows 7
AMD Bulldozer or Intel Core i7
3GB of RAM
Graphics Card: AMD HD6000 Series or NVidia GTX500 Series
DirectX 11
15GB of Hard Drive
DirectX Compatible Sound Card

Minimum specifications

Windows Vista or Windows 7
AMD Athlon 64 X2 or Intel Pentium D 3.4GHz
2GB of RAM
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD2000 Series or NVidia 8000 Series
DirectX 11
15GB of Hard Drive
DirectX Compatible Sound Card

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Mad Riders

Mad Riders free pc game full version download

System Recommended

OS: Microsoft Windows 7 - Xp - VistaProcessor: 2 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo or 2 GHz AMD Athlon™ X2 (3 GHz or better recommended)
Memory: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista, 7
Graphics: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compliant video card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)*
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 2 GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compliant
Peripherals: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360® Controller for Windows recommended)
Multiplayer: 512 Kbps or faster broadband connection *Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:
ATI Radeon™ HD 2000 / 3000 / 4000 / 5000 / 6000 series
NVIDIA® GeForce® 8 / 9 / 200 / 400 / 500 series

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Alan Wake's American Nightmare

Alan Wake's American Nightmare is a story-driven action-horror video game, developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Microsoft Studios. The game is a downloadable follow-up to its predecessor, Alan Wake, but is not a sequel.[3] The game is an Xbox Live Arcade title and was released 22 February 2012. A PC version was released on 22 May 2012


Matthew Porretta returns as Alan Wake/Mr Scratch, and Brett Madden is back as Alice Wake. Fred Berman reprised his role as Barry Wheeler.[4]
Character English VA
Alan Wake/Mr. Scratch Matthew Porretta
Alice Wake Brett Madden
Barry Wheeler Fred Berman
Tor/Narrator Lloyd Floyd
Odin Cliff Carpenter
Dr. Meadows Yadwa
Emma Sloan Christina Evangelista
Serena Valdivia Desi Sanchez
Shopping Channel Salesman Jake Deahler
Shopping Channel Host Nik Carter
Eddie Rodman Larry Kenney

The plot of American Nightmare is framed by the narration of an episode of the fictional TV show, "Night Springs," which follows the style of The Twilight Zone and appeared on television screens throughout the original Alan Wake.

Alan Wake's friend and manager, Barry, is asleep in a motel room. The narration explains that Alan is attempting to chase down the "herald of darkness", Mr. Scratch, who is Alan's evil doppleganger created by a dark force. Scratch is determined to take away everything Alan loves, including his wife, Alice. Alan, as the "champion of light," has the ability to rewrite reality, and was able to write his escape from Cauldron Lake in Washington. He ends up near the small town of Night Springs, Arizona, and learns that he has been missing from the real world for nearly two years.

A nearby oil derrick erupts with several foes controlled by Mr. Scratch. Seeking light, Alan runs to a nearby motel, where he encounters Emma Sloan, who at first thinks he is Mr. Scratch, since they look identical. She tells Alan that Scratch was at the motel the night before, and provides Alan with a typewritten page, a way to alter reality to destroy the derrick and stop the foes. Alan follows its instructions, which causes a meteor to collide with a satellite, sending it hurtling towards the ground, where it then collides with the oil derrick. While Alan is away performing this task, the dark forces consume Emma.

Following clues he found at the motel, along with a set of keys, Alan heads to a nearby observatory. There, Dr. Rachel Meadows, who also met Mr. Scratch previously, is tracking a mysterious signal sent just before the satellite was knocked out of orbit. Rachel tells Alan that Mr. Scratch was very interested in this signal, and Alan surmises that it must contain the key to fighting the darkness. While attempting to obtain the complete signal, the observatory's telescope is sabotaged by the darkness, which reinforces Alan's belief that the signal contains something he needs. After repairing the damage, a portion of the signal comes through that translates into a page of a story: a new reality that Alan can presumably implement.

The page points him to a nearby drive-in theater, where he meets Serena Valdivia, who is under the influence of the darkness. After freeing her by restoring power and switching the lights on, Serena tells Alan that Mr. Scratch is trying to prevent the sun from ever rising again. She gives Alan the security code to the projection room where he can change reality. Alan uses the incomplete message to try to set the new reality. However, as the message is only partial, the new reality does not take effect. Mr. Scratch appears, gloating, and sends Alan back in time to a few hours before.

Waking up again near the motel, Alan repeats many of the same motions. Emma and Rachel still have some deja vu of the previous loop's events, and have helped performed some of Alan's previous tasks for him. Despite his efforts to change events this time around, Emma is nevertheless consumed again by the darkness. Rachel is able to capture a longer portion of the signal this time, but it is still incomplete. When Alan returns to the drive-in theater, he is again unable to complete the new reality and is sent back in time again by Mr. Scratch.

Alan repeats his actions for a third time, but this time, he is able to save Emma and gain the complete message from Rachel. He sets the correct series of events in the projection room, which triggers the projector to show a film made by Alice. Mr. Scratch appears again, but discovers that Alan has successfully written the new reality, and he is burned out of existence by the film. On the screen, Alan appears to reunite with Alice along a sun-lit shoreline; however, the narrator notes that this could quite possibly be just a figment of Alan's imagination, since he is still trapped in the dark place.

After completion of the game's credits, Barry wakes up suddenly, believing he has heard Alan's voice

Alan Wake's American Nightmare makes use of the same combat mechanics found in the original Alan Wake: Alan has a flashlight, which must be focused on enemies before firing weapons at them. American Nightmare is more battle-focused, containing more ammunition and a wider variety of weapons, including a machine gun, a nail gun, a crossbow, and flashbangs, among others. Some weapons are unlocked via cases found throughout the maps, which each require a certain number of acquired manuscript pages to open. Collectible pages were also featured in the original Alan Wake, though they had only served to provide an additional story element.

The game also features an arcade mode, where Alan is set against increasingly difficult waves of enemies. New arcade maps are unlocked as they are successfully beaten, while available weapons are determined by the number of pages that have been recovered in story mode

On 9 May 2011, a sequel game was hinted at when "Alan Wake 2" was shown on Althea Suarez Gata's curriculum vitae. On the same day, the information was removed from her curriculum vitae.[5]

On 10 May 2011, Oskari Häkkinen from Remedy told Joystiq, who had leaked an announcement rumor, that the official announcement of this installment was coming. He stressed that it would not be considered "Alan Wake 2", but neither would it be mere add-on content. Häkkinen would not get any more specific than that.[3]

Spike Video Game Awards 2011 showed a new trailer for the game on 10 December 2011.[6] It had been speculated that the game would be an Xbox Live Arcade game named "Alan Wake's Night Springs". The first image for the game was released by GameInformer on 7 November 2011. Just before the Video Game Awards, IGN released a screenshot of the game, along with the official title.[7].

Following rumors that the game would be released for Microsoft Windows, Remedy announced in early May 2012 that the game will be available for the platform on 22 May 2012. This followed Remedy's port of the original Alan Wake to the Windows platform a few months earlier

Petri Alanko, the composer from the first game returns to score American Nightmare. Licensed music includes the song "Club Foot" by the British Indie band Kasabian,[9] which plays a pivotal role in the game's narrative. Poets of the Fall also compose two new songs; "The Happy Song" which is featured whenever Mr Scratch appears, and "Balance Slays the Demon" under the fictional band 'Old Gods of Asgard

System Minimum

OS: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP
Processorual Core 2GHz Intel or 2.8GHz AMD
Memory:2 GB RAM
GraphicsirectX 10 compatible with 512MB RAM
Hard Drive:8 GB HD space
SoundirectX 9.0c compatible

System Recommended

OS: Microsoft Windows 7
Processor:Quad Core 2.66GHz Intel or 3.2GHz AMD
Memory:4 GB RAM
GraphicsirectX 10 compatible or later with 1GB RAM
Hard Drive:8 GB HD space
Sound irectX 9.0c compatibl

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Confrontation 2012

Confrontation game for pc full version download is a tactical role-playing game developed by Cyanide and based on Rackham's miniatures game The game is set in the fantasy universe of Aarklash, a continent riven by an unending war. The player follows a party of Akkylannian fighters in their quest to seek out and destroy the source of the latest threat posed by the Alchemists of Dirz. Their journey will take them through numerous settings with rich decors where they will encounter other races which populate the continent


Confrontation aims to reproduce the tactical combat of heroic fantasy classics as Baldur's Gate The party is made up of 4 characters, chosen by the player amongst 12 available classes. Various synergies are possible and any combination could work to succeed a mission. However, it is far more challenging with an unbalanced party. In combat, the player can pause the game to issue more sophisticated commands to his characters.". The key is to analyse both opponents and environment before deciding on the strategy best-suited to the situation; especially if the most threatening spells are to be avoided

System Recommended

OS: Microsoft Windows 7 - Xp - Vista
Memory: 2048 MB
DirectX®: 9
Hard Drive: 4 GB

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TNT Racers

Have you got what it takes to outrun your rivals? TNT Racers is a multiplayer racing game full of variety, combining fast as lightning race action with brand new features. The Shadow Race feature lets every player stay in the race even if a driver is clearly in an inferior position. But the best things are the wicked pick-ups which will ultimately decide about victory or defeat. TNT -- Tracks N Tricks -- cool tracks and snappy gadgets! One powerful adrenaline kick is guaranteed. Grab yourself TNT Racers today and let your competitors eat the dust!
Release Date: April 4, 2012
E for Everyone: Mild Cartoon Violence
Genre: Racing
Publisher: DTP (Digital Entertainment Pool)
Developer: Keen Games

Official information
System Requirements
Windows XP & V & 7 32Bit & 64Bit.
Fast CPU with SSE2.
GPU with Pixel Shader 2.0 or greater. Some integrated graphics chips work but it depends on the model (and only with DirectX 9).

Runtime Library Requirements
MS Visual C++ Runtime 2008 SP1 (fixes the "side by side" / "application config" & model errors)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) displaylang=en
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) DisplayLang=en
DirectX March 2009 Runtime (fixes the plugin loading errors)
DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer

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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City game free for pc full version donwload is a third-person shooter video game for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, co-developed by Slant Six Games and Capcom. It was released on March 20, 2012 in North America, and scheduled for release on March 22, 2012 in Australia, March 23, 2012 in Europe and April 26, 2012 in Japan.[2] It is part of the Resident Evil series, being set around the same time as Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis titles, though it is a non-canon hypothetical scenario

See also: List of Resident Evil characters

Umbrella Security Service (USS) Delta team enters the Raccoon City Underground Laboratory, where they meet up with Alpha team leader HUNK. Their mission is to assist Alpha team in stopping Dr. Birkin from handing over his T-Virus research to the U.S. military and retrieve the G-virus. On their way to Birkin's lab, they find Birkin has paid numerous Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (UBCS) mercenaries to work for him while the deal goes forward. When they reach Birkin's lab, the doctor is shot, and HUNK and another Alpha leave with the samples. They soon find that Birkin survived the attack and infected himself with the virus. The Birkin creature proceeds to kill off most of Alpha team before disappearing; HUNK offers to go back in search of the sample.

Not long after the battle, it becomes evident that the T-virus has leaked city-wide, and people are beginning to transform into flesh-hungry zombies. In what they see as a punishment by USS command, Delta team is ordered to remove evidence of Umbrella's role in the outbreak. Heading into Raccoon City Hall, Delta team meets with a UBCS mercenary and they monitor Nicholai Ginovaef; he is soon revealed as a traitor and attempts to kill Delta team.

Later, the team is sent out around Raccoon Park to find the Nemesis-T Type, which has gone rogue. A second parasite is injected into its body in order to bring it back under control. Shortly after this mission is completed, the team is then sent out to the Raccoon City Police Department, ordered to kill any surviving police officers and destroy evidence linking the company to the outbreak. When this is done, the team exits the station, and soon after encounter Leon S. Kennedy, whom they begin to hunt down along with Sherry Birkin. After they find and corner Leon, Claire Redfield and Sherry, the game can end in two ways: in one ending, the team resigns from Umbrella over their abandonment during the mission and betrays them by letting the three live; in the other, Leon and Claire are executed and Sherry is sent to an Umbrella facility

There are twelve playable characters in the game, with six characters for each side. On the Umbrella Security Service team there is: Vector, the team's recon expert and is equipped with a cloaking ability; Beltway, who is proficient in the use of explosives; Bertha, the medic; Spectre, the marksman; Four Eyes, the scientist, with the ability to program the bio-organic weapons (BOWs); and Lupo, who is the team leader.[citation needed] On the United States Special Ops team there is: Willow is the recon expert; Dee-Ay is the team leader; Tweed is the demolitions expert; Harley is the medic; Shona is the field scientist; and Party Girl is the sniper.[4]

Alongside the single player mode, the game also offers four-player co-operative Raccoon Mode, which pits the USS against the U.S. Special Ops teams.[5][6]

The zombies in the game are able to attack the player in a multitude of ways. A zombie that gets too close to the player will usually attempt to grapple the player, prompting the player to rapidly shake his/her analogue stick to avoid getting bitten. Players who are unsuccessful in doing this will be infected for a limited amount of time. Whilst they are infected they gain small bonuses at the expense of a slowly depleting health bar. If a player is successfully bitten and later runs out of time after becoming infected, the player will lose control of their character and begin attacking their former teammates until killed, allowing the player to respawn. There are additional enemy types in the game besides zombies, such as Lickers, Hunters, and Cerberuses. Furthermore, the players are able to control them under certain circumstances.[citation needed]

Heroes Mode is an online multiplayer feature allowing to play characters such as Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira, plus Ada Wong, HUNK, Nicholai Ginovaef and a new character, called Lone Wolf.[citation needed]

Xbox 360-exclusive Nemesis Mode allows one player to control Nemesis and use him to kill the other team.[citation needed]

Free DLC pack containing playable missions for Spec Ops arrives on April 10 for the Xbox 360 and the PS3

Minimum System requirements

OS: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP
CPU: ntel Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or better, AMD Athlon X2 2.8 Ghz or better
HDD: 8 GB free disk space
Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory
Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
DirectX: Version 9

System Recommended

OS: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.7 Ghz or better, AMD Phenom II X4 3 Ghz or better
HDD: 8 GB free disk space
Graphics: 1 GB Graphics Memory
Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
DirectX: Version 9

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Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken free game for pc full version download (Japanese: ストリートファイター X 鉄拳 Hepburn: Sutorīto Faitā Kurosu Tekken?) (pronounced Street Fighter Cross Tekken) is a crossover fighting game developed by Capcom. The game was announced at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International by Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono. The game was released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on March 6, 2012 in North America and March 9, 2012 in Europe. The game features characters from both the Street Fighter franchise and Namco's Tekken series. As the game is being made by Capcom, with Namco being involved more in the licensing of the Tekken cast, the gameplay will be based on the 2D gameplay of Street Fighter as opposed to the Tekken series, and will feature projectile moves such as the Hadouken. Namco is currently producing their own take on the crossover, Tekken X Street Fighter, which will follow their 3D style of gameplay.[6] The PC version will be released on May 11, 2012 on Steam, and the PlayStation Vita version is set for release in autumn 2012


Being developed by Capcom, the core gameplay is similar to that of the Street Fighter series, incorporating elements such as Super Combos and EX Attacks. Players each choose two fighters from the Street Fighter and Tekken series, both sets of characters are controlled using the Street Fighter 6-button system, however, it has been revealed that the Tekken characters will be able to perform Tekken style combos using the primary four buttons in a similar fashion to the Tekken 4-button system.[7] These fighters can be switched out normally, or during certain combos. As fights go on, players build up power in a three sectioned meter at the bottom of the screen referred to as the "Cross Gauge", which allow the player to perform various techniques depending on how much of the gauge is filled, such as EX Attacks, Cancels, Super Arts and various Cross techniques detailed below. As opposed to the other crossover fighting games released by Capcom, in which the player must eliminate all the opponent's fighters to win, victory conditions are more similar to Tekken Tag Tournament, in which the first player to have one of their fighters' health bars reduced to zero loses the round, thereby the player who wins the most rounds wins the match.

The tag team element of the game is heavily emphasized, with players being able to switch between the two characters in their team in a variety of manners.[8] Switch Cancel allows players to switch partners in the middle of a combo, whilst Cross Rush combos involve launching the opponent into the air before swapping partners and continuing the combo. Cross Arts, which require a full Cross Gauge, allows players to chain together each character's Super Combo in one straight attack, whilst the Cross Assault mechanic allows players to simultaneously control both characters in their team until the Cross Gauge runs out.

Street Fighter X Tekken features two new game mechanics: the Gem System and Pandora Mode. Players equip up to three gems to their characters, which provide different stat boosts depending on the type of gem. Six varieties of gems exist: attack, defense, speed, vitality, assist, and Cross Gauge. Each gem and its effects are designated by a specific color, and will activate as the players fulfill certain conditions during battle. When a character on a player's team has less than 25% health remaining, that character can be sacrificed in order to activate Pandora Mode, which gives the remaining fighter increased strength and an infinite Cross Gauge. However, this state has a time limit and the player will automatically lose if he/she cannot defeat the opponent before the Pandora state runs out.[9]

The game will feature various online options. Two players can battle on the same team, one controlling each character, and face off in four player matches. Scramble mode allows four players to fight simultaneously in pairs of two. The game will also support online training modes which can be played competitively or cooperatively with two players, as well as support the Fight Request feature.

Other Capcom games will be referenced in the game, such as Dino Crisis, which has a stage based around one of its levels

The center of the conflict between the Street Fighter and Tekken universes is a cubical object that crash-lands in Antartica. The object is of a mysterious origin and researchers worldwide are unable to determine what purpose it serves. The only thing that can be understood is that when beings come into conflict around this object, it releases a water-like energy that brings more power to the combatants. Due to the object's tendency to react to conflict between beings, they name it "Pandora".[11] Whilst a standard story is given to most combinations of fighters, specific teams, such as Ryu & Ken or Kazuya & Nina, receive their own unique story elements and rival battles

The following characters are available as playable characters in the game. The PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions feature 5 exclusive playable characters, including Cole MacGrath from Sucker Punch's Infamous series; Sony mascots Toro and his rival Kuro, who dress up as Ryu and Kazuya respectively; Pac-Man, who pilots a Mokujin-style mech; and Mega Man, who takes his appearance from the North American box art for the first game.[12][13][14][15][16] Both Mega Man and Pac-Man became available as free downloadable content for the PlayStation 3 version on the 13th of March.[17] Street Fighter's Dan, seen in the initial Street Fighter X Tekken reveal trailer, makes a non-playable appearance as the instructor in the game's tutorial mode.[18] Ono stated that there is no exclusive character for the Xbox 360 version, claiming "We do have the exclusive characters for the Sony platform. We have Cole, the two Sony cats, Kuro and Toro. But basically for the Xbox 360, we were in discussions with them (Microsoft) for which character to put in as an exclusive, but we weren't able to decide on a character because of differences in timing and things like that."[19] It was announced on February 21, 2012 that game will be released for the PS Vita in the fall and will include 12 additional fighters, 6 from each side. [20] It was later confirmed that these 12 characters would be also released as DLC for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC shortly after the Vita's launch, with owners of the Playstation 3 version able to obtain the characters for free if they download them through the Playstation Vita version. [21] All together, the Sony versions will have 55 playable characters available, giving Street Fighter x Tekken the 2nd biggest roster in a Capcom Fighting game (Vs. or not) behind Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes, which had 56 characters in all

Street Fighter Tekken Guests
Ryu Kazuya Mega Man 2
Ken Nina Pac-Man2
Chun-Li Asuka Toro2
Cammy Lili Kuro2
Guile Heihachi Cole2
Abel Kuma
Dhalsim Paul
Sagat Law
Rolento King
Ibuki Marduk
Poison Hwoarang
Hugo Steve
Rufus Bob
Zangief Julia
Vega Yoshimitsu
Balrog Raven
M. Bison Jin
Juri Xiaoyu
Akuma Ogre
Sakura1 Lars1
Blanka1 Alisa1
Guy1 Bryan1
Cody1 Jack-X1
Elena1 Christie1
Dudley1 Lei1


^1 Default in the PlayStation Vita version, and downloadable content for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.
^2 Exclusively for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: 2.4 GHz dual core
Memory: 1.5 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 10 GB

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Martial Arts Capoeir

Martial Arts Capoeir free pc game for pc full version download

System Requirements
OS: Windows ® XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Pentium IV with 2.4 GHz
Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista / 7)
Video Card: 256 MB
Sound card: compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard disk: 2 GB

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